When Angry, Draw Guinea Pigs

Invisible Horse

Sketchbook Guinea Pigs 2

David Bennett at the Light Reading blog says that guinea pigs are ambassadors for world peace, and I believe him.

There’s a place I go when I’m angry, or upset; when I’m frightened, or confused, or when I just want everything to stop for a while. I grab a sketchbook and a pencil and head for the guinea-pig pen at the top of the park.

It’s a steep climb up the hill which also helps, because walking fast uphill is a good way to get things out of your head. Today I stomped up the path between the dark lime trees with the damp afternoon air cold on my face, breathing hard, head down, trying to empty my mind.

When events or circumstances overwhelm me, emotion takes over and I can’t think – or rather I can’t stop thinking, but only in the most chaotic and unhelpful way. A long…

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